Where to Eat while Visiting Gettysburg, PA
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Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, one of the most iconic battlefield locations in the United States surrounding a small little town, is also a huge tourist location for many wanting to learn about the Civil War. As you drive around the battlefields listening to the audio tour and walking around to each monument you can sure build up an appetite.
When using Google or Yelp there are numerous different options for sit down dining locations. Pubs, taverns, even ethnic options are all available throughout the city. However, when we were planning our trip we opted to try a location that has been recommended to us a few different times.
Farnsworth House Inn
I have fond memories of this place from when I was a child, so when we were planning our trip to Gettysburg we knew that this had to be on the list for places to visit.
Growing up it was one of the first places I can remember that my parents splurged and took both me and my brother. As a kid my vacations included campgrounds and very long car rides where my brother and I fought over who’s movie was going to play on the TV. Long before there was Netflix and Hulu, we would get to pick out VHS tapes for our trips based on how many hours our parents would tell us we were going to be driving. For Gettysburg, it was 1.5 viewing hours of The Addams Family or 1 full viewing of The Patriot. You get the picture, it was pure torture for who ever’s turn it wasn’t.
I have many memories of climbing into the van, curling up on the bench seat with our dog and watching movies as mom and dad got us safely to our new destination. Gettysburg was one of these frequented locations and on one or more of those trips we went to the Farnsworth Inn for dinner.
The Farnsworth Inn is one of those memories that I wanted so badly to enjoy again. While my memory evaded me to the taste of their famous cornbread pudding, their main dishes, however, did not.
Both Peter and I ordered their chicken platter which came with a helping of side dishes that we opted to split. The chicken was tender and juicy, cooked to perfection. While the memories I had from my childhood were dashed with the few spoonfuls of cornbread pudding, in reality, I still have very fond memories of the first time I tried this dish. Maybe my pallet has changed as I grew older, or it was just not anything I’m truly remembering, but those memories of sitting around, having a nice family meal in a unique location will forever be burned into my brain.
The atmosphere of the restaurant is colonial times in a small cozy location. If you choose to eat in the dining room area you will be greeted by a hostess dressed in period clothing as you walk into the main entryway. Here is where if you are a guest of the hotel (yes you can even stay the night) you would make your way up the wooden staircase. However, if you are just visiting for the fine meal, you will be whisked into the dining room where you will get to sit among other dinners in the tight quarters.
The walls are decorated with large oak columns, trim, and floors, while each room has a large fireplace. The house has been kept similar to its original state during the war which makes it that more interesting to enjoy. All staff are dressed in time appropriate clothes that keep you in the world of colonial times.
When dinner is served, don’t be afraid to get your hands dirty and eat a little like they did back then, after all how many times are you going to get to enjoy a historical dining experience?
Once you are done dinner, check in for the historical Ghost tour of the Inn before making your way down the street for some ice cream or a walking ghost tour of the city.
One Lincoln
Seen on many different tv shows and movies, the Gettysburg Hotel is a notorious landmark for the center of town. One Lincoln is the hotels in house restaurant that has been recommended numerous times.
I ordered crab mac n’ cheese and Peter ordered a steak. With hopes of well-trained chefs in the kitchen and the required reservations, we thought that our experience would be delightful. Instead what we were served is bland over cooked pasta with some melted cheese sauce and a steak not worthy of the name steak.
At first glance, pictures don’t do this place justice, but not in a good way. At first glance, the food looks delicious, but in reality, the food was bland and way overpriced.
While we try our best not to give negative reviews of locations, this one was just not someplace we can recommend for food. The drinks, however, were pretty good, despite the overall cost.
Mason Dixon Distillery
One of the things we like to do when traveling is building an itinerary that matches all of our taste and interest. With two unique individuals, this might seem like a very hard task to do while planning a trip. And the food is no different in this.

We both have a very similar and unique taste in food, Peter being pickier then myself. But that doesn’t stop us from finding locations that we both absolutely love. Mason Dixon Distillery, is one of those locations.
When we rolled into town, we brought Maggie along with us. And not wanting to leave her in the car or hotel for the night we needed to find a place beyond fast food that would allow us to bring her with us. The only problem… it was storming all night.
This is one of the key reasons on why we didn’t want to leave Maggie behind as she has a fear of loud noises and well being the dedicated dog parents we are, our goal was to ensure she was comfortable and safe.
So, Peter called up the Mason Dixon Distillery and asked if they had a covered outdoor eating location that we could bring Maggie with us. And to our surprise, they did! They let us go in through a gate on the side and duck under a canopy set up with picnic tables under it right before the next storm came through.
The location can be a little confusing to find as they are located in the back of an old factory that has now been subdivided into a few different properties. When we finally arrived the food was delicious and the atmosphere was very peaceful.
Out of all the places we visited during our trip this is by far our favorite. You can read more about our experience at Mason Dixon Distillery and conversation with the head chef here.

The Portly Passengers provides plus size inclusive travel tips and advice for anyone who is looking to explore the world. From seat sizes on airplanes to exploring museums, restaurants, and nature Melissa & Peter have the experience and stories to help guide you through it.