The Idea Behind the Blog
As plus size individuals, making plans to travel anywhere around the world can be a little frustrating. You might not know the cultural acceptance of plus size individuals or policies from the travel companies for overweight passengers to accommodations such as wheelchairs or ramps for those in need of assistance or even feeling left out in souvenir stores when their options only go to size L or XL. All of these are questions, worries, and even dilemmas plus-size individuals face in their everyday lives, let alone while traveling.
So as we, Peter and Melissa, started planning our travel adventures together there were a lot of unanswered questions for us. This is when we set out to provide first-hand experiences, researched information, and more about traveling around the world, as plus-size individuals.
We want to provide the plus-size community encouragement and guidance for portly and plus size individuals who have a desire to navigate the travel world. This is how the blog The Portly Passengers was developed!
Whether it be good or bad, we offer guidance on exploring the world of weight limits, seat sizes, small door frames, and worldwide stereotypes so that plus-size individuals can enjoy traveling.
About Us

We are Melissa and Peter, the duo that makes up The Portly Passengers.
Our story started back in 2017, when we decided to give love a chance. Our relationship is built on love, laughter, and exploring the world as much as possible. However, this last one isn’t always easy as two plus-size individuals.
We decided to start this blog shortly after Melissa lost her job in 2018 and needed something creative for her portfolio. What happened next was a complete surprise over the last few years of this blog. Through our love of traveling, Melissa’s background in digital marketing, we soon realized how important this blog is to others just like us.
We hope that you find this blog as a great resource for information as you plan your next travel adventure whether you are a plus-size individual or love someone of size, the world is available for exploration.
When we aren’t traveling, Peter works in finance and Melissa works for a non-profit organization while also running her own digital marketing educational business. Our family consist of a small number of fur kids, but you will likely see Maggie our pup throughout many of our adventures.
Now, let’s go explore the world!
The advertising from affiliate marketing links you see throughout this site helps pay for our hosting and domain fees and maybe a few new toys for Maggie. Our personal beliefs and content are not influenced by these advertisers or affiliate partnerships. This disclosure is provided in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR § 255.5: Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising
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