Boogie Boards for Plus Size Individuals
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If you grew up near a beach, here in the United States at least, you might be accustomed to seeing kids and adults using what many call boogie boards. In some parts of the country, they are known also as bodyboards. These are small styrofoam boards that mock their longer surfboard cousins for wave riding entertainment.
This summer, we have been adventuring to the local beaches here in New Jersey. Every beach is different, but we have continually found ourselves reminiscing on our childhood adventures with these boards. So when we arrived in Chincoteague, Virginia, Peter opted to start looking into purchasing one for our summer adventures. The question we kept asking ourselves is if there was a board built for anyone of our sizes.
As plus-size individuals, the question about sizing and weight comes up on a daily occurrence, so anything outside the norm such as a beach toy wasn’t far from our reality. So we set out to see what options might be available for two plus-size individuals.
Like many beach towns, there are numerous stores that had options available in bins lined up just outside of the door. Sifting through the bins we were confronted with the inevitable wall that many plus-size individuals face. There seemed to be no options for anything over 150lb weight limit. So when we entered the Chincoteague Beer & Wine store looking for suntan lotion, Peter was amazed to see an option for a 45″ boogie board.
The excitement was soon confronted with disappointment as he learned the weight limit sat at 240lbs. Despite the weight limit landing between our weights, we thought it would still be fun to try, after all, it was a small investment. So we invested $50 for the board and off we went to catch waves on Assateague Island.
As we adventured into the deep waves, the excitement soon wore off as we used the board. For myself, even with being below the weight limit, I experienced many hindrances. Instead of gliding over the waves I instead found myself sinking into the waves and being pummeled into the ocean floor. For Peter, it was even worse. Thinking at first this was because of lack of experience on the board, we wrote it off and went on our way with this new investment.
Once we were home from our trip we decided to test the board out a few more times here at local beaches. The waves are smaller and the surf area is much shallower than that of Assateague Island. With time we hoped that if anyone that I would be able to experience the joy of the boogie board just like our memories.
But we found that despite the waves and location, the disappointment stayed. So we started looking for some solutions. Even though we carry more weight, that doesn’t mean that we should be void of all things entertaining and athletic. There had to alternatives, but the question was how much of an investment would we have to make.
One of the issues that all plus-size individuals deal with, is that cost rises when our weight does. From clothing and airplane rides the world is not always accommodating to plus-size individuals especially when on a budget. So it was no shock to learn that options for boogie boards that are accommodating for larger passengers, would increase in price as well. Far from the original $50 investment, the options on the market bodyboards that can carry anyone over 300lbs is going to cost a pretty penny.
But if you are a plus size individual, like the beach and want to catch some waves, you might want to check out these options to see if you would like to make the investment yourself.
Here is a list of boogie boards for plus size riders:
Custom X Beast Bodyboard
Priced: $300 – $350
This boogie board’s weight limit starts at 250lbs. This does not mean the max weight, it is actually the opposite! That’s right the board’s minimal weight limit is 250lbs.
Designed to help carry an individual of larger stock, the extra-wide width and thicker board gives riders a chance to race the waves to shore without feeling as though they are about to crash into the ocean floor.
BZ The Big Bruddah Body and Boogie Board (45 inches)
*Currently unavailable on Amazon
Priced: $229.95
According to the manufacturers’ description, this boogie board is designed with the larger rider in mind. There is no exact weight limit given on the products information but based on the specs they match those of other boogie boards on this list.
If you are on the higher end of weight, it might be worthwhile looking into an option that has specifically mentioned its ability to handle your weight. We state this because of the price point, as even though a smaller financial investment, it’s still not a small investment into one of these bodyboards.
*This board is also available in other colors besides blue.
Bullyboard Board
Priced: $540
This boogie board is built for the rider who is 400lbs and over. Designed to withstand the waves this board also has handles to help with gaining balance.
Despite the price point, this board has the largest rider weight capacity on our list making it a great choice for riders 400+ lbs.

The Portly Passengers provides plus-size-inclusive travel tips and advice for anyone who is looking to explore the world. From seat sizes on airplanes to exploring museums, restaurants, and nature Melissa & Peter have the experience and stories to help guide you through it.