Travel Tips

How is it flying on Frontier Airlines?

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With the cost of airlines tickets these days, when you find a cheap flight and start to think how is Frontier Airlines? Especially for a plus-size traveler?

Don’t worry, we have you covered!

Whether it was for work or pleasure, we have flown Frontier Airlines as plus-size individuals many times.

Frontier’s Policy for Passengers of Size

The policy for plus-size travelers states that they request an additional ticket be purchased if you cannot put both armrests down and/or you overlap into the seat next to you.

With an approximate 18.1-inch size seat even an average size individual can find themselves “overlapping” into the seat next to them.

Do you have to purchase two tickets?

The short answer is no. The policy requests for the purchase of a second ticket for your own comfort, however as two plus-size individuals we have found a strategy that helps make flying on Frontier much easier as plus-size individuals.

  • Check in as early as possible, this allows you gain early access boarding if you need it and if you are in a group trying to get seats near each other
  • Before boarding ask if there are any empty rows or seats next to each other that you might move to
  • After boarding, ask for your seatbelt extender from a flight attendant if you don’t bring your own

What about couples or groups?

Two of our flights with Frontier we opted for the aisle seats across from each other. This gave us the opportunity to be near each other, give us some space to relax and not take up room from our seatmates.

But you can also do the above steps to help you with ensuring you are seated near each other as well, even if the flight is full.

Can you bring your own seatbelt extender?

The FAA does not allow external seatbelt extenders, this is because of safety standards. However, many customers do bring their own and have not had any problems or the flight attendant will discreetly provide you with one.

If you are worried about asking for one or are embarrassed, don’t worry,  many of us have walked that tight rope before.

Here are a few things we have done:

  • Ask in the beginning of your boarding process. This can lead to a lot of confusion on some flights, so don’t hold the boarding process up, give them your seat number and one will arrive soon.
  • Wait until you get seated and as a flight attendant walks past you can ask
  • Ask the flight attendant who is working in your area during the boarding process, you know the one who stands there to help you with finding your seat in the back of the plane
  • Don’t hesitate to use that call button!

Remember, at the end of the day, the people on that plane aren’t going home with you! So while the embarrassment is real, it won’t last!

How comfortable are the seats on Frontier?

The overall comfort score would be about a 3/10.

Frontier seats are hard plastic covered in pleather with a very slight recline option.

The trays available barely hold a book sideways, but they offer a groove to put your phone or iPad in for entertainment purposes.

Are there snacks on Frontier?

Frontier has made its claim in the airline industry as being a cheap flight. This means that things like snacks or drinks cost extra!

We usually purchase a drink before boarding which helps mitigate the cost associated with the cans of soda offered.

What was it like Flying with Frontier?

Each time we have flown with Frontier, they have been delayed. Anywhere from 30 minutes to 9 hours. This doesn’t sound uncommon if you are a frequent flyer, but when you are stuck in the airport with a broken ankle trust me, those are the days you wish you had an online flight.

However, we have found that this is a normal complaint for anyone flying with Frontier.

Otherwise, the flights with Frontier are just like all other flights, you get from point A to point B.

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